Any progress? Can I help?

Glad to see Arch finally switched to modern forum software Discourse from FluxBB (development discontinued since 2021).

According to the timestamps of current topics on the homepage, there is not any progress since May 29. Why is that?

Discourse provides an official script to migrate from FluxBB. So I guess it will not be too hard to make it working?

I personally have run a Discourse instance at as a communication platform for my university students for half a year and I am quite familiar with deployment, customization and plugins stuff. As a long-time Arch user, I wonder is there any chance for me to help?

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I can help, too. I wanna see a migration from FluxBB to Discourse too much since the former one is obsolete now.

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It’s really sad to see still no progress in the preceding 7 months since the last post, and 1 year since the first welcoming topic on this site.

As this website just works, why not give it a production domain The operator can do the data import work as illustrated by Discourse official instruction concurrently?

I can actually understand them. Arch people was always minimalist and simplistic. They don’t wanna change current simple solution unless something is broken or missing.

And something important is really missing. That is digest mails. As I see, there is no way to subscribe to a forum-wide digest notifications. This is a very important feature to be able to involve new members quickly as contributors.

Sometime in the future, I am planning to prepare a rationale and present it to staff people.